miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018

League of Legends (also called LoL) It´s a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) and electronic Esport developed by Riot Games.

The game consists of 3 current running game modes: Summoner's Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Howling Abyss. The games last between 20 and 60 minutes.
In each game mode teams work together to achieve a victory condition, typically destroying the core building (called the Nexus) in the enemy team's base after bypassing a line of defensive structures called turrets, or towers (In the image, the points are turrets). The champions can level up, and can go up to level 18. When a champion dies, they have to pass certain seconds so that they revive.
The players control characters called champions, everyone has different skills.
There are three roles: Top in the toplane, jungler in the jungle, midlaner in the mid lane and AD carry and support in the botlane:

The toplaners are usually tanks, fighters and sometimes shooters who doesn't need a support, their job is destroy the maxims turrets.

The junglers are usually tanks, fighters and assassins. They don't have a line, their job is help the lines killing the enemy by sneaking in to make it easily, this is called a gank. The jungle have monsters that the jungler can kill and give him gold too.

The midlaners are assassins and wizards, their job is help the jungler giving him vision of the other jungler and help the other lines, cause he can help and rotate so easily.

 The botlane, formed by the ADcarries and the support. The ADcarries should be the greatest source of damage, attacking from a distance and be protected for him team, this is so important because it is very weak and the enemy team can kill him easily. The main job for the support is protect the ADcarries and give vision to the team, and it is the most underrated role. The supports can be tanks, utility support (they use shields and cures) and wizzards supports (who in my opininon aren't good supports).
League of Legends has many game modes. In the summoners rift there are diferent modes: cooperative vs IA, you play against bots, the normal game and the rankeds, where you compete to get you up in league. There are several leagues: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, challenger and master. They will add new leagues soon.

Talking about this, there are world championship every year,and they always get a song. This year was Rise, and its my favorite league song. Last year was Legends never die

I think the best of this game is that you can play every champion and specialize in  a specific role and champion. I for example I main Lux but I am main support. 

Also you can buy skins for your favorite champions, my favorite skin is elementalist lux. 

I love her so much xD.

This is the trailer´s game, good luck summoner :D.

League of Legends (also called LoL) It´s a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) and electronic Esport developed by Riot Games. The ...